Thesis Title: “Assessment of the Long Term Dynamic Behaviour of lnnovative Railway Track Solutions”.
Location: Videoconference
Time: 09.30 p.m.
Supervisors: António Gomes Correia; Rui Calçada.
Jury Members:
Rector of the University of Minho;
Doctor Joaquim António Oliveira de Barros, Full Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minho;
Doctor António Gomes Correia, Retired Full Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minho;
Doctor Eduardo Manuel Cabrita Fortunato, Senior Researcher with Habilitation at the Department of Transportation, National Laboratory for Civil Engineering;
Doctor Yujun Cui, Professor at Department of Civil Engineering and Construction, École des Ponts ParisTech, France.
Abstract of the Thesis available here.