Are you already a doctoral student?
In the 1st Year
- The deadline to deliver the Thesis Project
- The deadline to renew the enrolment
In the 2nd Year
- The deadline to present the Thesis Admission request
- The deadline to register the Thesis
- The deadline to renew the enrolment
- The deadline to deliver the progress report
In the 3rd Year
- The deadline to deliver the Thesis
- The deadline to re-enroll, if the Thesis is not delivered by the end of the year
- The deadline to deliver the progress report, if the Thesis is not delivered by the end of the year
My PhD Course
In the 1st year, students have one Tutor. The Tutor must sign the proposal for the 1st year and guide the student during the 1st year.
The students can change to a different supervisor at the beginning of the 2nd year.
Thesis Project
The Thesis Project must be delivered before the end of the 1st year and is the only unit the student must complete to pass to the 2nd year.
If the student completes the Thesis Project and none of the curricular units, he will pass to the 2nd year.
If the student completes all units and not the Thesis Project, he will not pass to the 2nd year.
The topics for the Thesis Project are:
- Introduction and Motivation for Work
- State of Art
- Research Methods
- Tasks and expected results
- Schedule
- References
A list of articles published by the student must be sent to the Secretariat along with the Thesis Project. The cover for the Thesis Project is available at OneDrive. The body of the document must contain the required topics, but its form is the student’s responsibility.
2nd and 3rd Year
The student can have up to three supervisors (the request for a third supervisor requires justification).
Thesis admission request
The Thesis admission request must be delivered to the secretariat up to a month after the enrolment in the second year with the signature of the student and the supervisors. The form for the Thesis admission request is available at OneDrive.
Thesis registration
After the approval of the Thesis admission request, students will receive a letter with the indication to register the Thesis.
That registration must be done as soon as possible using the forms available at OneDrive.
Progress reports
A progress report must be delivered at the end of the 2nd and 3rd years to evaluate the evolution of the research done by the student.
The template is available at OneDrive.
Request for Public Examination
Formatting rules, procedures, and necessary documents.
This information is available at the Academic Portal.
Minimum number of Publications
Under paragraph 2, Article 10 of Annex IV from the Regulation of the Doctoral Degree of the School of Engineering, the applicant must be the author or co-author of at least one publication in an international journal ISI – quartiles Q1, Q2, or Q3 – (published or accepted for publication), or in an international journal SCImago – quartile Q1 – (published or accepted for publication), developed in the context of the thesis.