On the 13th of January, the Ph.D. thesis Viva of Iran Gomes da Rocha Segundo, MSc, from the Doctoral Programme in Civil Engineering will take place.
Thesis Title: “Ecological; photocatalytic, superhydrophobic and self-cleaning asphalt pavement surfaces”
Time: 02.30 p.m.
Location: Videoconference
Supervisors: Professor Elisabete Fraga de Freitas, Professor Joaquim Alexandre dos Santos Almeida de Oliveira Carneiro
Jury Members:
Rector of the University of Minho;
Doctor Luís Guilherme de Picado Santos, Full Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geo-Resources, Higher Technical Institute University of Lisboa;
Doctor Adrián Manuel Tavares da Silva, Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Porto;
Doctor Joel Ricardo Martins Oliveira, Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minho;
Doctor Elisabete Fraga de Freitas, Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minho.
More information available here