On the 28th of July, the Ph.D. thesis Viva of Luís António da Pena Jardim Gonçalves, MSc, from the Doctoral Programme in Civil Engineering will take place.
Thesis Title: “Resiliência no Sistema de Transportes e Mobilidade Urbana. Caso de estudo da cidade da Póvoa de Varzim”.
Time: 10 a.m.
Location: The Ph.D. Viva will be held at Sala de Atos (CA-02-00-32-23) of the University of Minho, on the Campus de Azurém, in Guimarães, with the audience limited to a maximum number of twenty people, and also by videoconference.
Supervisor: Professor Paulo Jorge Gomes Ribeiro
Jury Members:
Rector of the University of Minho;
Doctor José Pedro Maia Pimentel Tavares, Assistant Professor at the Civil Engineering Department of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto;
Doctor Elisabete Fraga Freitas, Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering at the School of Engineering at the University of Minho;
Doctor Paulo Jorge Gomes Ribeiro, Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering at the School of Engineering at the University of Minho;
Doctor Antônio Nélson Rodrigues da Silva, Full Professor at the Department of Transport Engineering at the University of São Paulo, Brazil.
More information available here