The third International Seminar of Agro-Industrial Heritage will be held this year at the Museu do Douro, based in the city of Peso da Régua, Portugal and will take place from 24 to 27 October. It will be organised by the Museu do Douro Foundation, under the scientific co-ordination of Júlia M. Lourenço (lecturer at C-TAC, Centro Território, Ambiente e Construção, Universidade do Minho).
The theme for this year’s event is “Tradition vs Innovation”, with the aim of fostering the expansion of an international network of specialists in science and culture, bringing the specific case of the Douro into contemporary analyses and debates on agro-industrial heritage.
Specialists in the area of agro-industrial heritage, whether professionals or academics, are invited to attend this event to share their empirical research, theoretical developments and case studies. The theme is proposed as a challenge, and will doubtless engender a substantial number of papers, making this international seminar a memorable and enriching event. The organising committee feels greatly honoured to be able to welcome all the participants in the 3rd International Seminar of Agro-Industrial Heritage and will do everything in its power to offer a scientifically stimulating programme, with many opportunities for exchanging ideas and for networks and partnerships to flourish. At the same time, following the custom at any scientific gathering, it will be a pleasure for us as hosts to present a little of the heritage and culture of this territory, where the mountains of Trás-os-Montes intersect with the Douro Valley.