The new Steering Committee of the PhD in Civil Engineering took office on the 1st of June 2020 and is led by the new Director, Professor Joaquim Barros.
Professors José Barroso de Aguiar, Eduardo Pereira, Graça Vasconcelos and Ricardo Mateus complete the Steering Committee.
The Secretariat continues to be supported by Dr. Mariana Freitas.
In a public presentation to all PhD students and faculty members, the new Steering Committee presented the goals for the upcoming years:
– to increase international agreements and connections with reputed scientific institutions, to favour the access to advanced scientific contents and courses, and to promote short-term mobility;
– to boost the attractiveness and visibility of the PhD, including an updated and responsible curricular offer;
– to create an internal network for promoting collaborative research activities with students from other PhD courses and undergraduate students, and organize memorable PhD workshops;
– to promote the interaction with the industry for attracting highly relevant and applied research, co-financing research activitiesand to contribute for matching advanced formation offer with the industry demand.
The work developed by the former Steering Committee, Directed by Professor António Correia, and supported by Professors Joaquim Barros and Manuela Almeida, for the last ten years, was remembered and acknowledged.